Outsourcing Your Accounts Receivable Department
If your company accepts 30, 60 or 90 day payments for products or services rendered, there may be a time when your finances don’t exactly land where you need them to. At Funding Associates LLC, we offer accounts receivable financing to help you get through those times. Also known as factoring, financing your receivables department is a way for you to outsource in return for funds. From startups to companies filing for bankruptcy, we handle the financial needs of various companies. The transaction is largely based on the credit of your customers, rather than your own, making qualification more likely.
The Benefits of Factoring
When you finance your accounts receivable, there are certain benefits you’ll experience. They include:
- Financing for most types of businesses
- Cash in hand in as little as one day
- Working capital expansion
- Unpaid accounts receive no recourse
- No fixed payments
- The ability to take advantage of bulk discounts
- The ability to fulfill unexpected orders
- Flexibility
Whether you use the money you receive to pay for operating expenses, fund payroll, offer incentives to employees or respond to seasonal opportunities, you can see how financing receivables can benefit your company.
Contact Us to Get Started
If you are interested in factoring, contact us today. With a free, no-obligation assessment, we’ll show you what we have to offer.